Ohhhh mate. Today I just floated on down to the post box. Not in a dreamy way...like I wasn't attached to a single thing. It's a terrible terrible feeling. Especially when one is being watched from the commission flats.
smiley mcslidey is Isaw Isonn and Bombed Village. Two down and out pesky varmints who value simplicity over complexity, emptiness over that which is full, broken things over those which work and raw materials over those that have been polished. This blog has been started out of pure desperation, the need to be heard even if it is only by ourselves and the search for those who share the same values. Desperation does funny things to people.
We are both musicians who thought we'd be famous by now. We thought the world world have caught on. But it hasn't. This blog to begin with will mostly be occupied by complaints and 'what about me?' posts and the occasional link to things we like. We encourage you to contact us at smileymcslidey@gmail.com and tell us your stories of frustration, let down's, couldabeens and if only's.We'll post them! At the very least it will make smiley mcslidey feel better. Perhaps if we complain loudly enough the god's will heed our calls and give us what we want. If that's the case then we look forward to all our projects, smiley mcslidey included, becoming something more than an act of desperation.
Oh optimism...why do you taunt us so?