Thursday, May 27, 2010


I feel sick.

I've missed the boat.

I've worked as hard as I can. I'm slower than most.

How did this happen? Everyone is younger than me.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


There is nothing wrong with a phase. There is nothing wrong with a phase that goes through several long phases. There is nothing wrong with going through phases that last up to 17 or 18 years and show no signs of dissipating. At this point though one must ask themselves if it indeed is a phase.

BV? Is this a phase?

Is this a phase? Cos Im holding my breath....I always hold my breath when Im in a phase. Normally due to butterflies in me guts mate. Thinkin that the phase is about to switch it up...

Time will tell I guess if this is just a phase....But Im guessing it's a sequence...

From a phase.

Everything around me is strange.

Friday, May 7, 2010


It's been so long and it was such a foreign space that I can barely remember anymore...

But the little I can recall still haunts me. I was downstairs in the basement of an old lady's house who'd met me in the street earlier that day and asked for assistance with her pets....

I imagined a kitty up a tree, a dog with a gammy leg, perhaps a foal with a cold, at worst an axolotl with a hole through its guts but I never....I absolutely never thought she could have meant this.


Down in her basement where I cant....

Just listen and imagine. Tell me what you think I saw, and what she wanted help with. Tell me. Because I cant tell myself anymore...

Little old lady...youve cost me a lifetime.

Little one....I want to say you'll be alright. I do. But while you look up to me with those little pained eyes I cant....

Lady Im leaving, said I. Get it seen to. Get him seen to please....Please.

Cash or carry?

I like it mate...It looks good on you. Promise.

Well Im in the mafia and me two mates are in the business of sellin land and truffles respectively. They both do a bang up job too I should say. Everyone does what they are supposed too and they do it well.

Had a weekend away from the burbs and went coastal mate. Shit. It was massive. I lost me way on the dogs mate and spat out more than I could afford too...Oh me mates? They lost big too mate. All tryin to get ahead if ya know what I mean...

But there were positives too ya know? Like we didnt touch a single vegie, I ate low grade snags all weekend. And our old mates....? Yeh mate they were there and they loved it all. We talked, danced, poured a quicky over me head early in the night to get things started, BV just tracked it all from the sidelines and then jumped in for a quick sidestep...Silence? Yeh mate, he'd done his homework and gave as good as he got. Very solid Silence.

Turns out mate we may have gone a little harder than we thought for I snaffled a little too much muddy mud mud cake and was swaying like a fish on the ride home. Quiet as a mouse I tells ya. BV and Silence cackling like grasshoppers about their early morning plans....

Ughhhhh mate Im just gettin sicker and sicker at this point and resign meself to the dunny, pants down and let a toxic little number pass through me lips...All hell broke loss and I was left on me own.

Jumped into bed...pulled the covers over me head and had a quiet but diligent Chunny Chun Der just to me left... Pants Down Mcgee...